Well, I’m back from vacation and feeling very refreshed. Except for wishing I was back Down Under, of course. πŸ˜€ However that’s beside the point.

I’m back in the saddle and working on publishing the next couple of stories in the Clare & Erin series. The first one, “The English Lesson” is up on Amazon (click on the thumbnail of the cover above). For some strange reason it doesn’t have the “Click to Look Inside” feature, but they say it can take up to a week to appear. If you want to see a sample you can have a free sample sent to your e-reader, which is the same as the preview.

After the next couple of stories, I’m thinking of putting up something new, but it needs a bit of “padding” first. (No, not PADDLING — you spank-fans have one-track minds! :p )

Anyway, thanks for all your patience and support. I hope to reward it soon with a brand new story. πŸ™‚

2 thoughts on “First story in Clare & Erin series is up

  1. Mil

    That’s such great news! Looking forward to reading this one again, and seeing what the next one is all about. Is it inspired by down under? (Not THAT down under… one-track mind – pot-kettle! πŸ˜€ )

    1. Alyx Post author

      They’re all inspired by down under, Honey! πŸ˜€ The next one is about fountain pens, but the new one is inspired by Down Under. You might’ve already read it *g* but I do intend to fluff it up a bit. (Not THAT kind of fluffing! πŸ˜€ )

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