Third story finally up!

Hi Spank-fans! It took awhile to get this third story ready for publication (blame it on agonizing over various cover designs), but it’s finally up. You can find it here: Trouble in Paradise.

Thanks for your support, and hoping to get the fourth story up faster. 🙂

Second story in the Cassie & Nicky series is launched

Hi Spank-fans! My second story is up on Amazon (find it here). I had to raise the price a bit to get out of that “35% royalty” tier. But it’s probably the “sexiest” of my Cassie & Nicky stories, so hopefully you won’t find it too much of a burden.  😉 One thing for sure — you’ll enjoy the cover! *LOL*

The Adventure Begins…..

Welcome to my world, won’t you come on in? (I suspect most will be too young to get that reference. Which is a pity, because the “knock, and the door will open, seek and you shall find…ask and you’ll be given” lines can have quite a kinky slant to them, if you think about it. 😀 )

This site, and this blog, is very much a work in progress. It was all rather hastily done, just so that I could tell any new readers that I do have more stories lined up. So if you like what you’ve read so far, please stay tuned to this spot. I’ll announce each new story as it’s published.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me, dear spanking fans (can I call you “Spans”?)… might get a bit twisted along the way, but I promise to keep you all very warm.