Hi there, fellow kinksters! I’m afraid I just discovered that my first story on Amazon, “Small Town Blues,” had a few typos and missing words. It seems I uploaded an older copy (i.e., before Fizzy’s eagle eye corrections). I have fixed the situation, but I’m sorry for those of you who shelled out 99 cents for a copy with grammatical errors. I’d like to offer a copy of the corrected version (PDF format) to replace what you’ve purchased. Just write to me at alyx@alyxrancher.com to request it.

I’ve been busy trying to figure out the Barnes & Noble Nook platform, so I can offer my stories on there as well. In between times I’ve been working on my novel, and soon I’ll be working again for the company I previously worked at, albeit on the part-time basis. All this is to say that I realize there haven’t been any new stories lately, and it might be awhile before there are more published. However I do have plans to put my gypsy stories up for sale eventually, and this will include completely new material as well.

2 thoughts on “An apology

  1. Kendra Atwood

    I went to Amazon to find your story but I’m sorry I don’t know what name you wrote it under. There were several books with the same title.

    Kendra Atwood

    1. Alyx Post author

      Hi Kendra, all the books are published under “Alyx Rancher.” If you go to my home page and click on the picture of the book, it will link you directly to the page on Amazon. (If you have any problems, please email me!)

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